[APPLICATION FOR Prof. G. Devegowda Award in Poultry Science -2022 ]

Website: www.pashudhanpraharee.com

  1. Name (full initials)                        :———————————————————–
  2. Date of Birth (day, month , year) :————————————————————-
  3. Father’s Name                            :————————————————————–
  4. Permanent Address                    :————————————————————–
  1. Corresponding Address                        :———————————————————–


  1. Telephone NOs (with STD Code)



Watsapp no:

E- mail:

  1. Occupation & Designation           :———————————————————-
  2. Qualification (Tabular form) from graduation onwards, year wise, college / university, subjects etc.
  3. Present Designation                      :———————————————————-
  4. Place of Posting                     : ——————————————————————
  1. Are you a member of PASHUDHAN PRAHAREE ?   :               YES/ NO
  2. Are you submitting your research work originating from

(I) Research Project, if yes, give title of the project, year and indicate whether you were principal or co investigator

(II) Is the work pertains to your own MSc / MVSc / PhD, if yes give title of thesis

  1. Research work for consideration to the Award should be described in the following headings
  • Title of the work submitted
  • Objectives of study
  • Summary and conclusion of work
  • Critical appraisal of your work (100 words)
  1. Details of Administrative jobs in Animal Husbandry, nature of job,  achievements for last preceding 5 years
  2. Publication out of Research work  :

National or International (list in chronological orders including name of authors, year, title, journal, volume, pages.

Popular Papers in context of your Research (list them)

Radio Talks

  1.  Training in Animal Husbandry, Details thereof
  2. Awards/Honors (Do not include Poser Award/Appreciation) limit to 5 best awards
  3. Technology developed, if any, give details
  4. Any other information


Date: ——————————-

Place: ——————————-                                                       Signature of Applicant

Note: Pl. do not enclose any papers with the application


I do hereby undertake to take all responsibility in respect of information submitted in this application for its consideration and in the event of any dispute arisen thereof  CEVSLE will not be responsible and I will abide by rules and regulations of PASHUDHAN PRAHAREE .

Date:                                                                                                               Signature of Applicant
