All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices) Writing Competition For World Veterinary Day Award 2022

On the occasion of World Veterinary  Day 2022,Pashudhan Praharee in association with  Livestock Institue of Training & Developm Ceent  ( LITD) are  planning to celebrate and commemorate this day in a unique way than what we used to do in previous years. With the emergence of COVID 19 pandemic, every national and international conferences and events are being held till date online and we too are bound to celebrate this year’s World Veterinary Day , which falls on April 30 online but if situation improves then we may conduct offline too which will be intimated accordingly.

We are going to conduct an all India popular article /essay writing competition in the field of veterinary & Animal husbandry practices by the field Veterinarians & Veterinary students, Veterinary scientists, Veterinary College Teaching Faculties , Vet Academia,  KVK Scientists & Innovative Livestock Entrepreneurs .

Following are the criteria and details about the competition:

Term and Condition:

Languages: English and Hindi.

Competition is organized by:


Last date for receiving entries: 20th April 22


  1. There is NO ENTRY FEE for participation.
    The Competition is open to resident and non-resident Indian Veterinarians /Vet students./Livestock Entrepreneur
    Must be registered with either Veterinary Council of India (VCI) or any Indian State Veterinary Council.Or student of a VCI recognize veterinary college
    4. No Competitor may win more than one prize.


1.The winner will be decided by a team of distinguished jury of  Pashudhan Praharee, Centre of  Excellence for Veterinary Science & Livestock Entrepreneurship  (CoEVSLE) &  Indian Bureau  of e-Veterinary Medicine (IBe-VM)

2.The result of the best Articles will be published on 25th April 22 .The campaign is from 16th March  2022 to 20th April 2022` for winning the  prizes .
3. The right to decision is reserved with us.The decision of the admin will be final and will NOT enter into any correspondence about the results.However, we assure that the campaign will be fair and transparent.
4.The prize for the winners will be of 4 categories
A) For Field veterinarians
B) For Veterinary students pursuing BVSc &AH/MVSc/PhD.

  1. C) For Vet. College Teaching Faculties & Veterinary scientists
  2. D) Livestock Entrepreneurs

5.All the submitted entries selected for competition will be published in website.


The following procedure be followed for sending the entries:
1. Article can be sent through e-mail at,

  1. Article must be typed in MS Word with Times New Roman fonts in English and Unicode Mangal or Kruti Dev 010 fonts in Hindi.The article should be within 4000 words limit.
    Competitors may submit maximum of 05 (five) articles.
    4. In case of submission of translated version of copyrighted article in English or Hindi before submitting the article, the author should have obtained permission from the original author for the use of their work for the Competition. Scanned copy/copies of the permission/s should be sent along with the entry/entries by e-mail.
    5. Each article and photographs must be the unaided work of the author or translator and it must not have been previously published or broadcast.
    6. In case of any copyrighted photograph, before submitting the photograph, the author should have obtained permission from the original author for the use of their work for the Competition. Scanned copy/copies of the permission/s should be sent along with the entry/entries by e-mail.
    7. The submitted essay should be plagiarism free.If it has been found that the competitor has copied in full or part an article of another author and submitted as an entry to the, the competitor will be responsible for any legal action arising thereof.
    10. Entries will be judged by its merit as decided by our jury.
    11. Name and Designation of the contributor can be added to the text of the article.
    12. Receipt of an entry will be acknowledged by e-mail after the receipt.
    13. The worldwide copyright of each article submitted will remain with the author, but shall have the unrestricted right to publish the article with photographs to website, or to use it.
    14. The right to cancel the competition in case of less than 100 entries in each category received will be with us.
    All competitors shall be deemed to have read and accepted all the conditions of entry for the “All India Popular Technical Article (Veterinary and Animal Husbandry) Writing Competition 2022”at the time of submission.


Before submitting article please go thorough authors instruction and format your article in prescribed one.

Authors should follow the guidelines given below for easy processing and to avoid rejection –

  1. Magazine only publish English & Hindi articles and available in digital format is free.
  2. English Article should typed in Times New Roman font with font size 12.& Hindi article should be typed in Kurtidev font or Mangal font with font size 12.
  3. Inter line space should be 1.5 spacing and margin 2.54 cm from all sides
  4. Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic, state the scope of the experiments, and point out major findings and conclusions (not more than 300 words).
  5. Tables and Figures should be typed or generated by author. Table numbers should be followed by the title of the table, Figures must be quoted in the text·
  6. References should be cited in the text wherever required. It should be prepared alphabetically with surname of all the authors followed by these initials and year of publication in brackets.
  7. Following order should be followed during writing an article
    1. Title
    2. Authors
    3. Authors affiliation
    4. Abstract/ Summery
    5. Key Words
    6. Body of the manuscript (Give subheadings if any needed.)
    7. Conclusion
    8. Reference
  8. Title should depict the theme of manuscript, be brief, specific and informative (14 font, Bold).
  9. Names of authors to be typed in sentence case (12 font ).
  10. Authors affiliation should be in italics (12 font)



This is to certify that the article is completely a work of mine and neither the part or whole of the article can be claimed to be a subject of copyright by anyone. It may further be mentioned that this article is being submitted after the consent of all the co-authors of this article. The category to which the article belongs is(Tick the correct option as applicable) –
a. Review article ( )
b. Research article( )
c. Popular article( )
d. Other ( )(please specify)-
( For research articles)
The current research article is based on ……………………………………………(P.G./Ph.D./Project/Other pls specify) and has been carried out in the………………………………..lab after proper permission of CPCSEA…………………………………( if required ) and has been funded by ……………………………………..(agency/ university if funded otherwise, Not applicable might be mentioned).


NB:If you have any questions/concerns, please contact, 9431309542.